AddDependencyMojo |
Mojo responsible to add a given dependency to a target POM
if such dependency is not declared
or the given dependency's version is greater than the existent at target POM
ChangePropertyMojo |
Mojo responsible for setting (potentially overwriting), or removing a property value.
CommitMojo |
Mojo responsible for committing the POM changes and removing the backup POM file
EditingMojo |
Base class for Mojo functionality,
containing common code for editing POM files, and unit testing.
GreetingMojo |
Says "Hi" to the output
HelpMojo |
Display help information on pom-editor-maven-plugin.
Call mvn pom-editor:help -Ddetail=true -Dgoal=<goal-name> to display parameter details.
RollbackMojo |
Restore the target POM file with the backup POM file